Hello & welcome to our blog. We are Tart Bakery in Dallas, Texas. We are full of fun, sweet happenings, and we want to share all that goes on in our bakery with you. We'll post as often as possible with new products, great customer cakes, and whatever other 'sweet' stuff we want to share. Enjoy & remember to EAT DESSERT FIRST!
Visit us online at www.tartbakerydallas.com & www.etsy/shop/ihearttart

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tart has A NEW LOOK!

Tart has A NEW LOOK! In the past few months we've been in the process of updating our logo and are only weeks away from launching our new website & e-commerce sites! YAHOO!! They are both really 'sweet' & we cannot wait to share them with you! Not only can you ship some of our favorite baked goods to your loved ones across the country, but some of our gift items as well! We'll be selling, cake balls, cookies, brownies, iced short breads & more!


In the meantime, Tart has opened an ETSY shop....
We've only been open a couple of days and have shipped orders to New York, Louisiana & Pennsylvania! We're so excited for what's to come & our future within the esty community.
Our most popular item to date is our French Macaroon Sampler! (pictured to the left)

Thanks to all who have placed orders! We are thrilled to be spreading the 'TART GOODNESS' to other parts of the country!!

Stop by and see our shop: www.etsy.com/shop/iHEARTtart.

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